Tuesday, December 11, 2007

been there, do that...

been there... do that... yeah i know u been there and i fucking know u done that... so what the fuck...?? i don't fucking care... just let me continue with my story... please don't disturb me while i'm talking as i do not disturb anyfuckingthing when u are talking.... this is not a joke.. i will never do anyfucking joke at this fucking moment.... can u hear me...?? u bastard trash fucking paparoni's pizza... i'm not the one who will kick u fucking ass but beware anyhow i'm the one who can screwed your big dumb ass..... watch out man... here come a new challanger.... :x

Monday, December 10, 2007


it's been along time seen my last write in this blog... i am really busy these days with all the assignment and work that i have to do and make sure it's done by it's time.... i just coming back from a short coffee break with my classmate and we sort of have a talk about philosophy....
the question is... who created philosophy and why it is important in our life....?? there are a lot of great philosopher out there... but... where did all the philosophy came from...?? how can the philosopher create the philosophy and made people follow it... how....?? each human being have their own perception and mindset... we think accordingly through the experience no matter where the experience came from.... so... do u think the philosophy came from the human experience or just from imagination or maybe just a prediction from a working brain....?? who knows...??