Sunday, July 12, 2009


Skydiving is a very fun sport... i was afraid at the very first place, but after taking picture of a skydiver for long... i make up my mind and i finally did it at the end of last year... now it becoming my hobby... i really enjoy skydiving and being with other skydiver change my point of view same goes to my way of life... if they said fear factor is the factor you have to overcome... they are 100% right...

Some said it to risky to dive, and i used to said that to... but more or less i come to know that if u learn and follow the instruction everything will ended up good... Nothing is to risky in this life of ours... everything we did and about to do is risky, even if u just walk around the park... for some reason i thing skydiving teach me a lot of thing... 

i hope someday skydiving will be a favorite sport to normal civilian not like in the past, it's just known as a sport for the army and military services...