Sunday, July 12, 2009


Skydiving is a very fun sport... i was afraid at the very first place, but after taking picture of a skydiver for long... i make up my mind and i finally did it at the end of last year... now it becoming my hobby... i really enjoy skydiving and being with other skydiver change my point of view same goes to my way of life... if they said fear factor is the factor you have to overcome... they are 100% right...

Some said it to risky to dive, and i used to said that to... but more or less i come to know that if u learn and follow the instruction everything will ended up good... Nothing is to risky in this life of ours... everything we did and about to do is risky, even if u just walk around the park... for some reason i thing skydiving teach me a lot of thing... 

i hope someday skydiving will be a favorite sport to normal civilian not like in the past, it's just known as a sport for the army and military services...   

Friday, May 23, 2008

happy saturday...

today is saturday... i don't really have anything to do... wake up early in order to keep my timetable well... i don't want to be like in the old days... sleeping in day time staying up in night time... its fucked up... hehehehe... but still if i have something to do i will always ready to stay up... anything to do means lepak with friends or something like that... hehehe... 

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

working days...

its been along time i didn't write anything here... i've been very busy with my studies n same goes to my work... i've start a new age in my life by working as a designer now.... hehehehe... wow it was so great... i can claim myself as a designer now... hehehe... for ur info am working in one of popular magazine in malaysia... hehehe.. they produce,epl and business today... it's kinda famous here anyways... hehehe.. so people call me designer... hehehe... actually what i want to tell u guys here is... i met a gurl from my high school just now n she ask me what am i doing now.. i show her my working place from far... she didn't really get the place where i showed her... so she ask me again 'r u working at that reataurant...??' there she goes.... do i look like a restaurant worker..?? i guess the answer is yes... from the way i looked like n the way i dressing up... maybe she got it correct... but.. she was totally wrong... am a designer... come again...?? an a designer gurl.. don't looked down on me... anyways she have the right to look down on me.. she better than me in anyway... hehehe.. i fuck it... what i know is i am a designer now.. so... stop looking down on me... please... :p

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

been there, do that...

been there... do that... yeah i know u been there and i fucking know u done that... so what the fuck...?? i don't fucking care... just let me continue with my story... please don't disturb me while i'm talking as i do not disturb anyfuckingthing when u are talking.... this is not a joke.. i will never do anyfucking joke at this fucking moment.... can u hear me...?? u bastard trash fucking paparoni's pizza... i'm not the one who will kick u fucking ass but beware anyhow i'm the one who can screwed your big dumb ass..... watch out man... here come a new challanger.... :x

Monday, December 10, 2007


it's been along time seen my last write in this blog... i am really busy these days with all the assignment and work that i have to do and make sure it's done by it's time.... i just coming back from a short coffee break with my classmate and we sort of have a talk about philosophy....
the question is... who created philosophy and why it is important in our life....?? there are a lot of great philosopher out there... but... where did all the philosophy came from...?? how can the philosopher create the philosophy and made people follow it... how....?? each human being have their own perception and mindset... we think accordingly through the experience no matter where the experience came from.... so... do u think the philosophy came from the human experience or just from imagination or maybe just a prediction from a working brain....?? who knows...??

Thursday, October 4, 2007

diary for my girl...

all i want to do is be with u... whenever or whatever i dont care... i just want to be with u... u r my belle of love u r the shining sun 4 me u makes my life brighter n makes it full of hope again... i just want u to be happy as butterfly flew away following their own wish... i hope u'll be happy 4 the rest of ur life... i wanna c u smile like the audion at the fun fair watching clown doing their jokes n i dont care if i have to be the clown at that show... i can be everything 4 u... anything u wish... i will try to do anything... it's just 4 u... but now i think it all over... u with somebody else that u love n leave me here without any hope... but don't u worry baby... i will always here watching ur happienss n will be waiting 4 u... i will keep on doing what i have to do and at the same time took care of u my love... i know it's all over now... i know... but please just give me a chance to just stay at this conner of ur life n watching u from a distance... please...please...please...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

my love...

there r alot of girl in my life... but this one is really different... i,me,myself don't know y... i wish i know... i really hope i know... but i can't, i keep on trying but until now i still can't find the answer... this girl makes me crazy n feel down... she's a girl that belong in heaven... i don't know what to say... she's just the girl that i love... i can't tell her that i love her because i don't want our relation stop just because my feeling towards her... but... i can't stop thinking bout her... even she already have a boy friend, i still love her or whatever thing she have done i will still love her and i will wait for her.... for me... i just want to see her smile and live a happy life even if there's no character represent me in her life... i don't care... i just want her to be as happy as princess who can have everything and anything they want... when my logic have been trashing apart i wouldn't care just because i love her... i love her... i hope she will understand but i can't change the reality, and lie to my self... she had gone n left me behind with all my sadnest and complicated heart feeling... i keep on thinking... thinking... and i don't know... i don't really know what should i do now... i fuck up... i ruin everybody life... i don't know... fuck u... who ask u to read my blog... hell fucking go from my side... get the hell out of here.... shit... what is this...??