Tuesday, December 11, 2007

been there, do that...

been there... do that... yeah i know u been there and i fucking know u done that... so what the fuck...?? i don't fucking care... just let me continue with my story... please don't disturb me while i'm talking as i do not disturb anyfuckingthing when u are talking.... this is not a joke.. i will never do anyfucking joke at this fucking moment.... can u hear me...?? u bastard trash fucking paparoni's pizza... i'm not the one who will kick u fucking ass but beware anyhow i'm the one who can screwed your big dumb ass..... watch out man... here come a new challanger.... :x

Monday, December 10, 2007


it's been along time seen my last write in this blog... i am really busy these days with all the assignment and work that i have to do and make sure it's done by it's time.... i just coming back from a short coffee break with my classmate and we sort of have a talk about philosophy....
the question is... who created philosophy and why it is important in our life....?? there are a lot of great philosopher out there... but... where did all the philosophy came from...?? how can the philosopher create the philosophy and made people follow it... how....?? each human being have their own perception and mindset... we think accordingly through the experience no matter where the experience came from.... so... do u think the philosophy came from the human experience or just from imagination or maybe just a prediction from a working brain....?? who knows...??

Thursday, October 4, 2007

diary for my girl...

all i want to do is be with u... whenever or whatever i dont care... i just want to be with u... u r my belle of love u r the shining sun 4 me u makes my life brighter n makes it full of hope again... i just want u to be happy as butterfly flew away following their own wish... i hope u'll be happy 4 the rest of ur life... i wanna c u smile like the audion at the fun fair watching clown doing their jokes n i dont care if i have to be the clown at that show... i can be everything 4 u... anything u wish... i will try to do anything... it's just 4 u... but now i think it all over... u with somebody else that u love n leave me here without any hope... but don't u worry baby... i will always here watching ur happienss n will be waiting 4 u... i will keep on doing what i have to do and at the same time took care of u my love... i know it's all over now... i know... but please just give me a chance to just stay at this conner of ur life n watching u from a distance... please...please...please...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

my love...

there r alot of girl in my life... but this one is really different... i,me,myself don't know y... i wish i know... i really hope i know... but i can't, i keep on trying but until now i still can't find the answer... this girl makes me crazy n feel down... she's a girl that belong in heaven... i don't know what to say... she's just the girl that i love... i can't tell her that i love her because i don't want our relation stop just because my feeling towards her... but... i can't stop thinking bout her... even she already have a boy friend, i still love her or whatever thing she have done i will still love her and i will wait for her.... for me... i just want to see her smile and live a happy life even if there's no character represent me in her life... i don't care... i just want her to be as happy as princess who can have everything and anything they want... when my logic have been trashing apart i wouldn't care just because i love her... i love her... i hope she will understand but i can't change the reality, and lie to my self... she had gone n left me behind with all my sadnest and complicated heart feeling... i keep on thinking... thinking... and i don't know... i don't really know what should i do now... i fuck up... i ruin everybody life... i don't know... fuck u... who ask u to read my blog... hell fucking go from my side... get the hell out of here.... shit... what is this...??

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


it been a week or maybe month i didn't write anything in u... so today i'll start writing again after all the busy schedule i've been through all this while... so how are u soul...? i wish u are ok... and i really hope u are in a good mood today cuz im not in a really good mood... im to busy this last few weeks and to tired of everything going on... so i hope i can have a nice chat with u... can u make me happy just for a while...?? i wondering...?? cuz u can't talk... if u can talk i wish u can be my best friend... but sometimes it is better just let u be what u r now... cuz maybe if u talk i cant stand with a lot of ur speach... hehehehehe... just kidding... dont be mad... ok... i think just that 4 now... meet u again maybe toningt..... dont know yet... i cant promise u... so let just wait n c.... bubye... c ya soul...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

sentiment mixed uncomplete brain thought...

When we are alone,
we always wish someone to stay beside us,
Went there are friends,
we always want to be alone,
why why why...
it always have to be like this...???

Love mean a lot to me,
and it does to much,
when it keep a distance between me n her....

Once she appear in my life,
and flew away like a bird,
now she here again,
does she come back for me...???

Monday, August 20, 2007


shit... im bored.. fucking bored could someone help me... tell me what should i do now...???

Sunday, August 19, 2007

ignited mind...

This is the title of the book that im reading right now.... it is a fucking good book written by a.p.j abdul kalam one of the most famous nuclear scientist and used to be india prime minister... this book is actually about to create a developed nation... but that's not the point that i will take out...
the point is he said its ok to dream.... because from dream we will have a thought n from that we will take the action.... normally people will said something bad about a guys who always dream about something.... but this big guy ask us to continue dreaming.... what a graet leader.. :p he also said this world need a young people because we are better then them... so what we are waiting for.... let's have a dream n take an action toward it....

Friday, August 17, 2007

143- i love u...

hehehehe.... just finish reading kaoru's cake house novel edition.... thumb up for the writer mr. fakhrul anour and the creator of the original story kaoru.... both of u are really great n maybe made for each other.... i mean in this novel field.... This love story are really great n awesome... don't know what to say.... it's just great.... this is my first time read a malaysian novel n it change my perception to the whole malaysian novelist.... i used to read an international novel most of them are from europe n u.s.... yes those novel are really good but now i know there are good novel here in malaysia written by a malaysian novelist n im fucking proud of it... keep it up guys.... waiting 4 ur next big thing....

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

keep ur mind straight...

maybe somebody will ask what the title all about.... what i mean with that title is think before u do something.... whether it is goo or a bad.... and one more thing don't just think that other people are absolutely wrong and your self are the one who always right....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

JAWI in da haus...

last few days there's something happening in my house.... guess what...?? It's not a party... it's not a happy thing to talk about.... but i still wanna talk bout it.... u know y...?? because this is the first time in my life i got caught by JAWI officer... actualy they are not jawi officer... they are some old guys who live here in the same flats as mine who are so called JKK in this areas.... They came to my house n knock the door and i'm the one who opened the fucking door..... They ask whether there's a girl in my house... and i said NO.... there's no girl in this house... go away... (the last 2 word is not include in my words towards them...) hehehe... ok... move back to the story.... they entered my house n check all the room and they found 2 girl in the first room.... they continue searching n find nothing.... because me n my friends already ask some of the girl to lock their self in the middle room.... after a few hour the police officer came also the true jawi officer.... they ask me to opened the middle room... i said i didn't have the key because that room belong to my other housemate n he went out for coffee.... they ask me to call my housemate... but i didn't call.... at last they break the door and found another 4 girl inside.... after a long conversation with the old man and jawi officer we were send to the police station by the police officer that were there since before.... the police officer is a really nice guy... his on our side and ask us to sue the old man because they don't have any right to come to our house n caught us.... but we didn't do it... cuz i think as long as nothing happen to me n my friends... it just a small stuff to experience..... after we gone through all the stuff at the police station we were send to jawi office and they put us in the lockup for a few hours.... it just ok because the jawi officer are also really nice to ask.... they just give some advice and ask us to stop doing what we were doing.... that's it... after that they let us free.... but we still have to go there to jawi office every three month......

(sorry for my broken english...)

Monday, August 13, 2007

loving somebody

i love u.... that the word that came out from my mouth... opssss... nope actually i write it and send the message to the girl that i love... she reply back with the same sweet words that so called love word.... but together with that fucking message she said, she can accept me because i used to be her friend lover.... i dont know whether i should let it be like that or keep fighting for my love one and my happiness...